

A note from Dr. J:
As a coach, my Doctoral education is in Sport & Performance Psychology (SPP).

"Wait, What... sport and performance psychology ?!?!," you might say.

SPP isn't just for athletes and Navy SEALS! The skills I teach help anyone improve functioning and happiness. This includes work, family, relationships and life in general. As a therapist, I know not everyone needs or wants therapy, but will benefit from a motivator, an outside perspective, and a skill set which will fine tune their personal performance. I help you accurately assess where you are, where you want to be, and help you build momentum towards your goals.

Coaching is about moving forward and building and maintaining momentum. Coaching provides training in how to be proactive. It offers encouragement, a nudge when needed, and a plan to get to the next level.

Performance Coaching
We help athletes (youth-college and pro), and weekend warriors, become peak performers using sport and performance psychology fundamentals.

Life Coaching
We help regular “Joes and Janes” create and conquer goals and become the architects of their ideal lives. Through a combination of assessment and personal interaction, we work collaboratively to determine where you are personally and move you to where you want to be. Using a strength based model, that calls on a cognitive behavioral approach, neuroscience, and psychology, you will build a mindset that promotes consistent success.

Professional Coaching
Through a combination of assessment and personal interaction, we will work collaboratively to determine where you are professionally and move you where you want to be. We will identify your top strengths and create a plan for advancement, change and professional satisfaction. This experience isn't about identifying your personality through Myers-Briggs assessment and tweaking habits through Steven Covey books (although those have their place), you have probably already done that. It is about learning and fine tuning your mental processes for high performance, creating undeniable momentum and moving you forward. Your mental skill set become razor sharp so you will perform at your best, run toward challenges, and get where you want to be.

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